- Registry Tool
-Clean the Windows' Add/Remove software list
-Uninstall software
-Scan the registry for invalid registry entries automatically with the Registry Cleaner
-Remove leftover registry entries
-Control which program starts automatically with the computer
-Fix many common registry based problems automatically with the Registry Fixer - File Tool-Find duplicate, zero length files, temp files and broken shortcuts easily
-Extract information from executable files, from mp3 files and form images
-Mass rename files with the unique file renamer tool
-Change attributes of dozens of files with a singe click
-Find and replace text from single or many text files
-Combine files
-Encrypt files with Twofish, Blowfish, Rijndeal, Skipjack or Square
-Wipe files - LAN Tool
-Run programs on remote computers
-Send messages
-Control remote computers (Shut down, reboot, log off etc.)
-Remote task manager - Temp File Tool
- Backup Tool
За подробности посетете www.jv16.org, а PowerTools beta намира място на нашето FTP.